SB Friedman led the development of One Region Roadmap, an economic recovery and resiliency plan for the Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester (SC) region. The plan is a partnership between the regional Council of Governments (BCDCOG), Chamber of Commerce (Chamber) and Charleston Regional Development Alliance (CRDA). Our work included robust data analysis, community outreach, and strategic planning with stakeholders throughout the region.
The Charleston region leveraged an Economic Development Administration grant to develop an economic recovery and resiliency strategy for the BCD region. The strategy involved extensive engagement to understand the impact of COVID-19 on local businesses and families, assessment of potential strategies for recovery, and consideration of ongoing economic shocks that could continue to impact the economy such as automation of jobs. As part of the engagement process, SB Friedman led multiple rounds of focus groups, a virtual public meeting, and one-on-one interviews with implementation partners, and prepared a community survey.
Ultimately, the economic resiliency plan identified key strategies for each of eight regional dynamics to help the region recover from both COVID-19 and future economic disruptions.
Results: The final plan was presented to BCDCOG in March 2022. Additional detail on the initiative can be found at: https://oneregionstrategy.com/