SB Friedman is one of the firms under contract to provide assistance to the City of Chicago’s Department of Planning and Development with regard to its TIF program. Since 1996, the firm has prepared eligibility studies and plans, and amendments for approximately 40 districts on the North, South, West and Near West Sides of Chicago, including both project-specific and area-wide TIF districts. These districts varied in terms of development goals and objectives, including neighborhood revitalization, affordable housing, groceries in food deserts, historical rehabilitation projects, commercial projects, and others.
Our assignments typically include detailed field surveys of all the tax parcels within the proposed TIF district to establish eligibility and to demonstrate that the required tests of “lack of growth and development” and “but for...” are met. The redevelopment plan and budget are then prepared, and documentation is provided for the review and approval process. Detailed financial projections for the TIF districts are prepared to establish the budget; these projections may be based on planned projects, transfer revenues from adjacent TIF districts, and/or general growth patterns in the district. We then participate in the community review process and the formal public approval process before the Community Development Commission and the Chicago City Council.