SB Friedman was engaged by the Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) to help develop transit-oriented development plans in several areas within the Chicagoland region, as part of its Community Planning Assistance Program (CPAP). Representative projects are described below:
Village of East Dundee, Dundee Crossings: SB Friedman led a multi-disciplinary team to study the feasibility of and opportunities for bus transit and/or a bus terminal within an area of East Dundee known as Dundee Crossings. As the Village serves as an eastern gateway to Kane County, the initial concept of the bus terminal was to connect underserved communities in the far northwest suburbs to key employment centers within Kane County and northwest Cook County. The analysis uncovered that a comprehensive transit center at Dundee Crossings would not be viable near-term. However, it was determined that there were key strategic parcels within Dundee Crossings that could be redeveloped over time to achieve fundamental economic development objectives and encourage ridership in the future. The final plan was presented to the Village Board and finalized in November 2010.
Village of Antioch: A consulting team led by SB Friedman assessed the potential for transit-oriented development near the downtown Antioch Metra station. The team analyzed the built environment within the downtown area, real estate market conditions and community goals in order to produce a draft form-based code and development concepts suitable for the location. The team also assessed the potential economic impacts of the draft form-based code on future development in the downtown. SB Friedman prepared a detailed matrix of implementation steps to translate the Village’s goals into concrete planning and action items. These steps ranged from the adoption of a form-based code to public improvements that could catalyze redevelopment. The final report was presented to the Village Board in March 2011, and the form-based code based on SB Friedman’s draft code was adopted in October 2011.
Milwaukee District-West: SB Friedman led a team to conduct analyses of development, transportation and land use issues in neighborhoods surrounding five Metra stations on the northwest side of Chicago. The goals of the project were to develop land use recommendations that capitalize on existing transit service, enhance transit accessibility, and identify economically feasible and context-sensitive transit-oriented development opportunities. The team also developed a set of principles for Metra stations within the City of Chicago, focusing on enhancing connections between different modes of transportation, improving wayfinding to stations, encouraging mixed-use development near stations, and enhancing neighborhoods and job opportunities near stations. The final transit-friendly development plan was adopted by the Chicago Plan Commission in December of 2011.
City of Des Plaines, Cumberland Station Area TOD Study: In 2009, SB Friedman led a team to prepare a transit-oriented development (TOD) study for the Cumberland Metra station area. The goals of the study were to foster improvements to the station area as well as the neighborhood served by the Metra station, to attract and retain businesses, enhance transit access, and increase transit ridership. The study included: an analysis of existing conditions; a market analysis, including the market potential for residential and commercial uses; and an assessment of constraints to and opportunities for development in the study area based on existing physical conditions. A detailed implementation strategy was prepared, including key projects, action steps and potential funding sources. The plan was finalized and adopted in early 2011.